Friday, November 25, 2016

Bleak Friday

We actually did have to go shopping today, but it was hours and hours after Black Friday. Even still, I advised my roommate not to let anyone kill him. He survived but didn't get much of anything. The shoppers had picked the store down to the bones.

Once we got home, we ate leftovers. For the next couple of days, I believe we'll stay as low key as possible because we have a trip to Tulsa on Monday.  The rest of the week is going to be busy too, with both responsible and festive things going on. I have to go to Tulsa the following week. December is always busy for me.

This year has been so super stressful. It started out good. I had plans and some ideas of things I wanted to accomplish. Then stuff started falling apart and by the end of it, even the things I felt were secure have started to erode. I'm not leaving this year hopeful. I'm leaving it with a feeling of dread, a sense of loss. and a growing numbness. Most of the time, I really don't have anything to look forward to.

There are situations and conversations where I know and have known, that I'm never going to win. I believe, for my own self-preservation, it's time to start disengaging from these situations. I need to pull back, stop wasting my emotional energy, and just let whatever happens, happen. There are points when you just have to stop.

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