Sunday, January 22, 2017


As I really not sure anyone can be convinced of anything anymore, I've decided to just be outright snarky. A lot of people are asking questions about the Women's March, as if they're just frankly baffled why women would be upset with anything going on in this country. I see no reason to give them legit answers. They already know the truth. They're just trying to be dismissive and shitty because the idea of organized women scares them. So these are my basic answers. Feel free to use any of them.


Question One: What rights to women fear that Trump will take away from them?

Answer: Oh this is just like the Tea Party protests. I'm worried he'll take away my guns and raise my taxes.

Question Two: You have plenty of rights in America. Why are you not protesting for the rights of women in other countries?

Answer: Look, I get how the concept of focusing on ethnocentrism as opposed to my own issues is tempting, but for years you guys have been telling me to Put America First so I'm gonna do that.

Question Three: Why do you feel the need to bash men?

Answer: Listen, you're totes right on this bullying issue. For a long time, you've been saying that people need to toughen up. And who better to be tough than men? My theory is the meaner I am to them, the more manly they will be, right? And you want them to be so manly because that's just awesome.

Question Four: Why didn't the women clean up after themselves after the protest?

Answer: That was a problem,  but then the women decided to incorporate and become a money making operation. See? Problem solved as I know you have no issues with companies fucking up the environment.

Question Five: Is this all about you just wanting to kill babies?

Answer: This is back to the bullying thing. Fetuses need to toughen up and survive. If they can't handle a little rejection and all that stuff you show in your propaganda videos about abortion, how will they be able to deal with the foster care system or prison?

Question Six: Why can't you just accept Trump is our president?

Answer: I totes do! Don't you remember how you posted that thing on Facebook where he said on Twitter that after the election we should take to the streets? Be consistent here!

Now are those my real answers to those questions? Nope, but fuck it. Just fuck it all.

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