Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Craft

It amuses me how people keep going after the hats. They are so offended by the hats. They mock them and say they're just some 'vulgar thing' when the truth bothers them so much more. Women took, as we always do, something degrading ('grab her by the pussy!') and transformed it into a pun (the pink pussy hat, made it into a craft, and used that as a symbol of solidarity. They took the thing that was being used against them and transformed it into something amazing. Something now on the cover of Time Magazine.

 To me, the main message of the march, more than ANYTHING else, was "You WILL NOT demoralize us. We have too much humor and too much punk rock in our souls."

And weeks before the march, all the knitting sites got a link to where you could find the pattern to make the hats. You'd make a hat and then there would be a list of people who were signed up to march. You'd pick a person from the list and send them their hats. Those hats, in the majority, weren't made by some company. They were made by women. Knitters. MY PEOPLE.

I guess this also scares people because that demonstrates the kinds of solidarity and organization that was happening here.  They can all us fat, call us ugly, call us loud, call us vulgar. We'll just find a way to make that into some other subversive craft and use it as a way to keep us solid. Fuck them.

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