Sunday, January 1, 2017

The First Day of 2017

So far, so good.

We went to my best friend's house for lunch. We had black-eyed peas and other really good things.  We listened to music, had good conversation, and laughed a lot. After that, I got yarn!

Once we got home, we had a good evening. Our dinner was great (leftovers from yesterday). TV was fun and I listened to some more great music.

Now, as you know, I tend to see the first day of the year as kind of a predictor of how the year will go. There are some things I try to do to ensure good outcomes, but a lot of it is out of my control.

With that in mind:

Bad Signs were as follows . . .

I was in some pain today. I was also snotty. My roommate didn't feel that well either.

We only found half of the things we went shopping for.

We almost got hit by another car (although this is kind of neutral. We ALMOST got hit, but we managed to avoid it).

One of the cats threw up (although cat puke is always an aspect of life with cats, even on a good year).

I struggled with reaching some stuff. I also forgot a few things.

Good Signs were as follows . . .

I finished a project! Finishing a project is always a good sign on the First Day.

I reached out to some people to ensure communication with them and they responded back.

I was shown a lot of love and affection.

I learned a new concept.

I saw a new color and fell in love with it.

Other than pain, my body functioned pretty well.

But you know, sometimes this predictor stuff goes exactly the opposite of how you might think. In any event, it's a new year. Ready or not.

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