Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grandmother weaver.....for ten minute pops

I'm going to start looming leg warmers tomorrow. This is a process I've been thinking about for a while, but the actual work will begin when I get back from shopping in the morning.

It's going to be a several loom process, as the length I want to work has a lot of variance in it. That probably wouldn't be an issue for most people's legs, but it is for mine.  Not a problem though.

I've been considering doing something on my big loom. I keep looking at it. It's sitting across the room from me on an antique ball and claw table. I think sometimes it gives me guilty stares because I won't work with it.  I stare back, but only for a few seconds. I don't want it getting ideas.

I need some though. I think as I work on my leg warmers, I'm going to see what Youtube stuff I can watch over the big ass loom. Youtube has taught me so much about yarn work. My grandmother taught me to crochet, but she didn't know the knit voodoo. I learned some of it from books and from friends, but most of what I learn about yarn craft is from Youtube.

In this way, I've started to think of Youtube as another grandmother.  Mind you, this one has several voices, various levels of filming quality, and teaches me things in about ten minute lessons. It's not the same as having a real grandmother, but seeing as all of mine have passed away, I'll take what I can get.

1 comment:

  1. It's a little strange, but maybe this is what happened to Grandmother Spider, Coyote, Raven & the others they became voices on Youtube.
