Friday, January 14, 2011

Hat Redo: Update

Spent the better part of two hours last night lamenting and redoing the hat.  There was no construction, just deconstruction and an acceptance of the loss of progress.

That last bit is always difficult for me.  I guess for so long I didn't progress with anything that any small bit of forward movement is grasped onto like it's my lifeline.  This often gets me into trouble. I knew the hat was flawed. Why do I always have such a disconnect about just undoing my work to make it better?

In the end, I lost about three inches over all. However, things are cleaning back in a position where the hat can not only be redone with a less stupid top, but also lengthened to really fit me the way it needs to. So  . . . yay.

By tomorrow, I should be sporting a properly fitting hat with a top I like.