Saturday, January 22, 2011

Warm and Content

I haven't started the legging things yet.  I just can't get my mind there to do it.  I think maybe because my thoughts have been on family and close friends. A lot of people are playing waiting games with their futures right now, which is, let's face it, the worst of all games to play.

I'm playing the waiting game too, but it's more long term. At least for now.  Once a couple of things change, I'll have to start getting into a higher gear about life.  But I have some time and quite frankly, I'm very grateful for that.

I try to be in that space most of the time, that feeling of gratitude for my situation.  I wasn't there for many, many years. I kind of lived in a deep state of depression and hopelessness. It's so good to not be in that anymore. Does that mean everything is perfect? Hardly. However, things are quite beautiful.

  • No matter how cold it gets outside, I'm warm inside. The old house and it's two gas stoves keep us very warm.
  • I always have people with which to carry on conversations.  No matter what, I'm never really alone.
  • I have plenty of air to breath, even if, in my case, that is aided by machines.
  • I know I am loved.
  • I usually see the cat puke before I step in it. That last bit isn't some analogy. I'm serious about it.
Oh, and of course I have Grandmother Youtube to teach me things.  I should make her proud and start on the leggings tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

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