Sunday, February 6, 2011


Well, would you look at that! I made it a whole month and I'm still blogging. Amazing. Almost unheard of from me.

I'm such a flake about things.  Well, an obsessive flake. I'll be SO INTO something...and then....meh.  I've kept with knitting fairly well for the last couple of years and I still play Sims all the time, though maybe not as much as I once did.

I was always somewhat flaky, but the meds make it so much worse.  Now my mind flitters and drifts all over the place, as I've discussed before. It makes me happy I don't have kids because I'd probably just lose interest. That sounds harsh, but less harsh as I don't have any to TRULY neglect.

I think it's important when people realize they shouldn't have children.  Often you are looked at like you just said something horrific.  One time, I actually regarded the person staring at me for a full two minutes, hoping their expression would change. It didn't. Finally I said, "I said I didn't want children, not that I wanted to chop children up and eat them."

The Staring Person: How can you HATE CHILDREN?

The thing is, I don't hate children. Okay, I hate some children, but mostly I hate their parents for allowing them to be megabrats. Most of the kids I'm around on a daily basis though, I'm fine with. However, I realize that I wouldn't be a good caretaker of children, therefore I do not have any.  To me, this is the responsible decision I could make on the matter.

Wow, how did I get off on that?  That's not the point of this! The point is yay! YAY!! YAY!!!! I blogged for a month. Good for me.

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