Monday, February 28, 2011

The Bright Side of Crazypants Interviews and a Bad Economy

I always like to look on the cynically bright side of things.  In case you don't know, that's the bright side, only the version of it that shows positive results that are unusual in nature.  

Example: The fact that hipsters exist and love irony so much has made everyone who doesn't want to be a hipster (because hipsters are SO mainstream these days, hah!) try to find any way other than USING the word "irony" to describe irony.  Case in point, my first paragraph.

Another example of this is how it seems the economy has gotten so bad that Hollywood stars are letting their publicists and spin doctors go.  At least, that's the way it seems.  How else would we get the rants of Mel Gibson or the babbling of Tom Cruise. Okay, in Cruise's case, it's religious zeal. Might be in Gibson's case too. Who knows? Oh, and Kanye. Let's not forget him.

Anyway, these people need professionals to help them filter what comes out of their mouths (or out of their fingers, the case of tweets). And stars used to have these things.  For a long time, scandals were only seen when someone was trying to promote a movie. The rest of the time, they had people following them around, doing their best to clean up the messes.  It's a matter of professionalism, after all. Stars are bankable on image.  Very very few can be bankable on the image of "fanatical jackass" or "raving crazypants bastard."

The bright side to this, of course, is that now we get to hear all the stupid crap these people decide to say.  And then we get to make fun of it, to quote it, and otherwise marvel at the crazy.

Charlie Sheen is the latest example of this.  He called in to some radio show and let his crazy shine with all the bright lights of ten Victorian asylums.  What did he manage to do from this?  Piss off his network and give fodder for a million cat memes.

Sheen is so fun now.  He gives wild interviews where he says things that sound like the lyrics from the psychedelic goth band I had in high school.

Okay, I know this is somewhat mean.  The man clearly needs help, despite his Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA.  I'm sure if someone posted the stuff that I say when I'm at my lowest and most crazy point, I'd sound just as bad.  And the Powers that Be in Hollywood need to find him someone to help him talk about stuff without coming off as . . . well, I think this last cat meme says it all. 

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