Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Random February Observations

The roommate and I were driving around today, snarking at each other, and I realized we were almost out of February.  I've always felt sorry for this month. It's so small and it happens so early. It's like the short kid standing at the back of a crowd, raising its hand and trying to get someone to call on it.  Poor February.

It's also a sad month because no one can spell it. OH, I realize I spelled it right, but then again, I have spell check, I can right click and get spelling, or I can just hover over my date on the bottom of my computer. Otherwise?


You get the picture. It's one of those words we have just a little bit of trouble spelling, somewhat like Caucasian, sincere, and conscientious. When it comes to words we get confused about, we really go out of way to avoid them. Probably one of the reasons why people are happy when wee little February is over.  Until then, it' Feb.

Everyone I know born in this month is strikingly beautiful.  Often they may not have what people would consider conventionally beautiful features and usually this is what makes them so beautiful.  All the people I know born in this month have beautiful hair, lovely eyes, expressive smiles.

Perhaps its the Valentine's Day thing, a blessing on those born around the holiday. Maybe it has something to do with that transition from crafty Aquarius to dreamy Pisces.  Both signs tend to be in need of the society of others.  The right type of unusual beauty would aid in that.

Everyone I know born in this month has a very strong sense of individual style.  Even if it seems sloppy or haphazard, it suits them. Most often, this isn't limited to clothing. It carries over into their homes, their scent, even the way they carry themselves. They often have phrases that you find yourself using, books grouped in ways that lend to you wanting to study them.  I once actually found myself fascinated with the fingernail shape of a boy born in February.

So yes, a small month, with a difficult name, but it yields some very delightful people. Over all, I would say the trade off is fairly good. And let's not forget, some February babies have the odd distinction of only having a true birthday once every four years.

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