Monday, May 21, 2012

Missing the Exit

In the wake of the Madoka analysis, I found myself at a loss over what to write for tonight.  I skimmed through articles, thought about the stuff that is currently vexing me, drew some pictures, and generally thought of nothing all that interesting. I wasn't too surprised by this. The Madoka posts took a lot out of me.  Even when if I didn't write one on any given night, I was still working on them in my head. Now that it's over, I felt like I'd ran out of steam.

I've been in pain today and stressed out about some issues. I've been distracted by some conflicts and annoyed with some other stuff. Because of all of this, I completely forgot about it being Monday. I didn't need to come up with a topic. I could have just asked for one.

I think this type of thing happens to us a lot in life. We get into situations where things aren't going our way, but because we're emotional and stressing about it, we fail to see the exit signs. We never notice the 'way out of the problem' that is staring us in the face.  Instead we just keep circling around the same conflicts, bemoaning the fact that we're trapped in them.

Honestly, if there is anything in my life I would like to change, it would be this. I want to live my life in a way that whenever shit goes down, I can still retain enough clarity to see the way out of it. I want my mind to be non-chaotic enough to remember the times when I even planned for these eventualities.

Because let's face it; we will never life lives that are free of fuckuppedness. Things are always going to go wrong.  However, in any challenge, there are ways through it.   And yes, I use that as a plural. Not all of the ways may be equal and some of them may be downright undesirable, but they still exist.

So I sat around tonight looking for a topic, while I was talking to people who could have given me one because of something I set up just for that very purpose. And . . . I missed my chance. Oh well, on the other hand, I think I had a nice little moment of clarity and ended up with a blog post anyway.

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