Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend Randoms

First of all, I'd like to say I'm really proud of Joss. He managed to make a lot of money with The Avengers and this is good, as he and his brand of humor need to be taken more seriously by the world. Yay for Joss. Yay for us all.

I spent a lot of time this weekend involved in my geekdoms. I watched this whole boatload of shorts over the back history of Westeros. Ahh, I was just so deeply happy doing this. They were quite well done too.  Of course, I mentally debated about what noble house I would have been born into.  Not Stark.  While I love the connection to the Old Gods, they're just a bit too dour for my tastes. Certainly not the Lannisters. I'm not the rich, blonde, and incesty type.  This removes the Targaryens as well . . . silver hair, rich, incesty.

No, I would have been a Baratheon. They're loud and lusty and prone to getting fat and that kind of thing. They have just enough Targaryen blood in them to make them interesting and enough everything else to balance it out.  Yeah, Baratheon. But I would have kicked Stannis down the stairs......a  very LONG set of stairs.

On Friday I did the now ritual cleaning under my bed and around all the unseen places in my room to suck up wicked little fleas. I know I didn't get all of them, but fuck it. I got as many as I could.  Getting as many as I can is about all I can do. I need to be happy with that and knowing at least THOSE fucking fleas can't breed now.

Another tactic to combating the fleas involves doing frequent laundry and putting it away as soon as it comes out of the dryer. I spent a while on Saturday folding things and putting away my clothes. Today I washed up some places where one of the cats is hanging out. Yes, it's a slow war, but it is a war nevertheless.

It was hot and muggy all weekend, but it's supposed to be nicer this week.  I'm happy about that, as there is a plan for yard work in motion. My roommate was out there today battling trees and Virginia Creeper.  Though the yard work is kind of in a strange place now because the stump in the front yard has apparently been rotting and is now all soft and easy to break apart.  It looks like a huge mess at the moment.

Anyway, I am coming out of the weekend feeling positive and happy.  I get to see my uncle next Sunday!!! Yes, I'm three exclamation points excited about that.

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