Saturday, July 28, 2012

Battle Eyedroppage

The cats are going through some bad eye issues right now. It's because of all the fans and constant air movement.  Oh, and because of the particles of shit in the air. Most of said shit is cat fur, so you could say the cats brought this on themselves. But that would be cruel.

 A while back, my roommate did some research on eyedrops cats can handle safely.  Once he found one, he bought some.  Now, when cat eye issues happen, the cats get eyedrops. It really does help.  The cats' eyes are clearing up far faster than they ever have before. The stuff works.

This does not make the cats like it.  Even if it occurred to them that the eyedroppage was making life better for them, they would still hate the process.  Just, you know, because they're cats. If there is a stubborn, difficult way to react to something, this is going to be the way the cats react.

So the medicating of cat eyes becomes an Event in our home. Right now, we have two cats that need drops. The white cat is easier. She can be lured to me with toys or games. Once near, I secure her in my arms while my roommate goes to get the drops. One lift of the chin, drops go in eyes, my arm gets clawed, and she is sent on her way.

The brown cat is more difficult.  She knows things are going on that deal with her eyes, so her tactic involves hiding and avoidance. When she suspects my roommate may be considering giving her the drops, she scurries under his bed. He always finds her, which prompts a series of protest noises. Usually, he holds her while he tends to her eyes. Sometimes, however, he has to have me help in the holding department. She never scratches me, but she is deeply resentful.

Despite the drama, I do believe tending to their eyes with the drops is very much worth it. Nothing is sadder than a cat with gimp eye. It just ruins your whole day. But with medicine to clear up their eyes, we have less sadness in the catdom.

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