Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Let's Complain about Changes, Shall We?

My therapist went on maternity leave today so I will be seeing a different person until she returns. I've known this would be the case for a while now, but it's still kind of jarring. Therapy makes me so vulnerable and the idea of having to try and establish that rapport with someone else is disconcerting.  Thankfully, the sub is the same woman who spoke with me when she had her last baby.  That makes me feel somewhat safer. You have to feel safe when it comes to therapy.

Speaking of medical professionals, feeling uncomfortable, and changes, there has been a recent change in the policies regarding people in my situation and how medicine is handled. If you have long standing prescriptions, the new policy is that you have to see your doctor every three months. BAH!  I hate this so much. I DO NOT want to go see my doctor every three months. For one thing, it means more money being spent.  For another, it means I have to deal with the doctor's office, subject to a waiting room of sick people and children. Every three months from now on, I will have this to dread. Just....wow. No. WHY? This is so annoying.

At some point, in theory, the repairs on the house should begin. This was supposed to start last week and didn't.  Perhaps it shall begin this week.  I just want it to be over with. I loathe the idea of people crawling over the house and banging on things. It's going to disrupt my walking. It's going to disrupt the peace. It's probably going to disrupt the general feeling of comfort and well-being in the house because we will know people are OUT THERE.  Yes, I get that I'm crazy.

Anyway, yeah. Changes. Lots of them. Well . . . okay, three. Still, changes that are making me give Stink Eye to the universe for disrupting my little patterns and schedules. Stupid universe.

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