Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello, July!

I must say I am very happy that July is here. The start of July means we're in the downswing of summer. This is a prospect I hated as a child, as July always meant my summer vacation would be over before I knew it.  However, now as an adult, it's hot and shitty outside and I'd rather summer be over as quickly as possible.  July also means we're closer to the fourth and I am happy about this because soon enough the fireworks stands will be closed and I won't have to listen to random popping at all hours. Yes, I am most certainly looking forward to that.

I'm still walking and doing other exercise. I'm actually starting to find some strength in my hips, which is quite pleasing to me. I hope this is a trend that continues.  I one of the best things about walking is that it makes me get outside every day. This isn't something that has happened for me in a long time. There have been weeks when I didn't leave the house at all, weeks when I would just stay indoors and shut out the whole world.  The problem with this, for me at least, is that I get very comfortable with it. I start becoming fearful of The Outside and begin to do anything I can to avoid it.

But now I get to spend some time outside. I look at the world, enjoy my trees, enjoy the color of the flowers. I pretend I don't see the anthills or the wasps. Two days ago, I certainly pretended I didn't see the bug that was trying to land on my glasses. Yes, that bug never happened.

A few weeks ago, my roommate mused at what his life might be like a year from now (he's doing more physical activities and stuff too). I'm wondering the same thing. This time next July, what will my life be like if I keep moving forward with my activity level? I really hope I am shocked at the results  . . . in a good way. Not in some "her body is now monstrously sewn to some other body." No, I really do not want that.

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