Saturday, June 29, 2013

Giant Lovemonsters

It's hot and summer and so everyone should get used to a lot of posts about the cats. They're basically my main source of entertainment right now because it's too hot to go anywhere and I have no money. Fluffy was begging for part of my chicken sandwich today, so I gave him some bits of it. In payment, I picked him up and held him. He got his ears rubbed and some kisses. I was certainly happy about being in Cuddletown, but he wasn't. He got away from me as fast as he possibly could. I just don't get it.

Maybe it's the meds talking, but I think it would be awesome to be in his situation. I would have some giant creature who cleans things, feeds me, gives me treats, provides me with a home and attention, and then on occasion holds me, pets me, and gives me kisses? This would be awesome. I want my own giant lovemonster!

I'd be good too! I wouldn't scratch up the furniture or knock stuff over. I wouldn't howl in protest when I was being bathed and I certainly would sit patiently whenever I needed to be given medicine. If I needed to puke, I would try my best to get to some place where my giant lovemonster would have an easy time cleaning up after me. I wouldn't make noise all night long and I would given plenty of eye contact.

Most importantly, I would happily and sweetly accept my affection. I would let my belly be rubbed. I would let my toes be massaged. I would nestle up on my lovemonster's lap and I would purr when I was kissed. They would completely know I loved them back and I would pose very cutely so they could enjoy my place in their lives and know that all they did for me was worth it.

You hear that, kitties? THAT is how you act to your human.

I think the heat may be finally getting to me.

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