Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Side Effects

It's really not been a good day. I've had a lot of focusing issues and couldn't keep my attention on anything for more than few minutes. I've been trying to watch an episode of a show for the last two hours and I can't make it through. The show is only 50 something minutes long.  This is one of the side effects of my Happy Meds.   It's annoying, though the issues I have when I don't take them are far worse than the inconvenience of some trouble paying attention.

Then again, I guess there are worse side effects to have. I was watching a commercial for a product today that talked about how the side effects could include bloody ulcers and death.  I'm not really sure that any medication is worth the risk of bloody ulcers and death. It was a medication for arthritis, something that almost everyone will face as they get older. Kind of makes me wonder how much people want to be outside of the pain if they will risk that. It's a scary thought.

I've been thinking about getting older a lot. I'll be 40 this year and I suppose this is the proper time to really start considering my future as an old person. I'm not really sure how it's going to work, other than the part where I die and the cats feast on my body. Aside from that,the whole thing is a mystery. Hopefully, it won't turn out to be a bad one.

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