Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Twisty Positives

I've been pretty negative lately and I really need to try to get past that. I'm not quite to the point where I CAN get past it, but I know I need to. With that in mind, I'm going to try and make five positive statements . . . even if they are positives in my own twisted little way.

  1. I don't have any stalkers. Having a stalker would be really horrifying. Stalkers more or less destroy (sometimes literally) the lives of their victims and create a situation where the person being stalked feels like they are stuck in a prison. If I did have a stalker, I think I would try and find a way to escalate the situation so maybe they could either get arrested or destroyed before too much harm came to me. I do, however, doubt this will ever be a problem for me.
  2. No one feels I have put them in The Friend Zone. Just one step down from stalkers are those people who believe that you have committed the 'sin' of being their friend and only their friend when they want something romantic/sexual with you. As I do as much as I can to look as unattractive as possible, I doubt I will ever have to face this problem.
  3. I'm not having to choose between two people that I am in love with. Actually, I don't believe this COULD be a problem for me. I sort of adhere to the logic that if you find yourself to be in love with two people, always choose the second one because if the first one was enough to make you happy, you wouldn't have fallen in love with someone else in the first place. Staying with Person A is usually done out of guilt. Guilt really isn't a good foundation for a  relationship, no matter what religion says.
  4. I will never be in a relationship where I have to wonder if the other person only values me for my looks.  There is actually a remote chance this could happen, but it's pretty damned remote.
  5. There is a deep, beautiful freedom in the moment when you realize the person you are talking to is full crap and you just honestly don't care what they say any more. If you've ever experienced this, it's quite lovely. There are, of course, relationships that rip out your soul when they end. There are other relationships that end because you realize that the fault is not with the universe or fate or the world not wanting you to have love . . . the fault is that you stupidly allowed yourself to have feelings for this person and they suck. For a moment, that is kind of devastating, but past that point, you just honestly don't care anymore, which is bliss. 
So there you have it, my own little venomous list of the positives in live. I hope they bring you some comfort.

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