Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Midday Posts for the Win

I'm writing this post early because if I don't, tonight will probably end up like last night, with me having a headache, a stabby disposition, and no will to write anything or communicate anything. I truly dislike my sinuses right now. I also dislike dust, mold, and cat hair. They're all conspiring against me and making my life as difficult as possible.

Everyone handles the sinus hell in a different way. Some people are just uncomfortable, but otherwise still themselves. Other people feel like their eyes have swollen shut. Others get pressure and swelling in their whole face. I'm one of these people. There have been many a Spring when I wished I could just drill a hole in my head and let the pressure out.

When this kind of thing happens, I mostly just want to be left to myself.  I don't feel talkative or creative or social. Any attempts to make me be any of these things fills me with resentment and evil. For anyone who isn't a morning person, imagine feeling the way you do when you first wake up all day long . . . while your ears are itchy. I just want to be left in my own little world and not have to factor into anyone else's. I get snappy when this doesn't happen. Sinus Time, ideally, would be Alone Time with Cookies. Though, of course for me, that's kind of the ideal anyway.

On a less bitchful note, Lumosity is proving to be very interesting. If you are interested in quick brain workouts, I highly suggest it. I told my therapist about it today and she seemed pretty interested. We also talked about the next wave of how I want my therapy to go. I'm feeling pretty good about that.

Or . . . as good as I can feel with itchy ears.

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