Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Play That Funky Music

Last Thursday, I met with friends at the coffee house. One of my friends showed me his latest creation, a flute made out of pvc pipe and some electrical tape. I thought it was really cool and he gave it to me as a gift. He showed me the basics of how to play and informed me that we should perform at the next open mic night at the coffee house.

The open mic night is this Friday, so I'm not sure I'll be ready to perform by then. However, even if that isn't the case, I do have to say I'm enjoying the flute. I've been playing on it for at least a couple of hours every day since he gave it to me. I'm getting better, though I still have a long way to go before I could consider myself really great at it.

In the meantime, I've located some music so I can learn songs. I want to be able to perform Christmas songs, so they've been the major part of what I've been practicing. I've also worked on some songs I just happen to love, like "House of the Rising Sun." It's not coming together yet, but I'm getting better. And my roommate is being very patient about it. Probably helps that all the fans are drowning out the noise.

The flute has brought an unexpected happiness to my life. Even though playing can be frustrating because it's new to me, there is also a lot of joy to it. I've always loved music and, even though my father is a very good musician, I never really learned to play anything all that well. I've been wanting to learn guitar for a while, but it just never happened. I never even considered playing this kind of flute, but now that I do, I really love it.

I've written before about how I feel that random acts of kindness are the best form of anarchy. This is an instance where this philosophy has been demonstrated in my own life. Someone was kind enough to randomly give me a gift and this gift has brought things to my life that I never even knew could be there. I'm so thankful for the gift and just really love the thought of what could come from  this.

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