Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Crabby pants

I have noticed I don't seem to be aging gracefully. I do not mean as far as my looks go. I never had that. This is more about the mental process of aging. I'm not good at that part.

For one thing, I notice that I do a lot of comparing between 'kids these days' and me. While I try to be open minded about them, that usually only lasts until they start annoying me. Then I turn into Crabbyass Mcbitchalot. I wish I was 't like this, but quite often I seem to find my generation as the best one. I think my only saving grace here is that I don't make these observations to the young people. Then again, I rarely speak to anyone.

I also seem to have far less patience than I used to. Things that used to just roll off of me now seem to be hitting my last nerve. I'm trying not to be snappy about it, but you know how that goes. You can tolerate anything as long as you don't think about the fact that you're having to tolerate it. Once you become aware that you're forcing yourself to be nice, it's really hard to continue.

Anyway, at least I'm trying to be aware of my own crabbiness. I'll do what I can to try and subvert that. 

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