Thursday, March 19, 2015

Side Eyes at Politicians

I think this article is disgusting. Well, not the article itself, but what the article is about. Some 4th graders in New Hampshire put a bill before the state senate to have a bird named as the state raptor. The bill didn't pass. Okay, fine. If they didn't want the bill to pass, there still could have been a teachable moment there. The Senators could have told the kids WHY the bill wasn't going to pass and explained it in reasonable, respectable terms. Instead, they were mocked and ridiculed by the people who were supposed to represent them.

One senator, who was clearly so obsessed with 'them abortions' couldn't get passed the fact that the bird killed with its talons (as a raptor is wont to do) and said that the bird would be better as a representative for Planned Parenthood. Really? REALLY? You bastards object to teaching sex ed in school but you think it's perfectly okay to bring up Planned Parenthood and allude to abortion in front of 4th graders who were just innocently trying to get a bill passed to name a state raptor? What the hell is wrong with you?

No matter what the party affiliation is, I am getting very sick of the lack of decorum and respect our 'leaders' are showing these days. Call me old-fashioned, but it used to be that those who represented 'the people' were held to a high standard of manners and decency.  Honestly, when politicians act like rude ninnies,  they should be fired. There is no reason at all in the world for them to be assholes to children who are trying to learn something.

All this did was make these kids fill disenfranchised at an even earlier age.

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