Sunday, March 8, 2015


I spent most of International Woman's Day looking at Facebook posts about how unfair it is that we don't have a day for men. There IS an International Men's Day, of course. There is also that annual penis festival. Still though, every time we try to honor a group that isn't white men, people get into some kind of tizzy about it. So annoying.

For me, I think the biggest issue with women, on all fronts, is the idea that people (and I say people here because both men and other women do this) often view women as some kind of resource for them. What can we get from this woman? Sex? Is she a subject of gossip? Will she do work for us? Will she provide us with money or children or services?

People get it into their heads that women are supposed to be DOING something for THEM. They make plans on how they woman is supposed to do this. And when she doesn't comply, quite often, this is when the conflict begins. People get frustrated when they realize the woman has her own plans and goals.

This doesn't happen exclusively to women. Men have this happen to them as well. Gendered expectations always suck and they are never fair on anyone. If you find yourself in a situation where someone is EXPECTING you to do things just because you happen to be the ____ in the relationship, the person you are with isn't all that enlightened.

And if you are a person who finds yourself constantly frustrated because someone isn't going along with your plans, then walk away. You can only decide things or make plans for yourself. When you start doing that for other people, you're just stacking the deck for the end of the relationship anyway. You can only control and change you.

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