Friday, December 16, 2016


Around this time two years' ago was the trip to Tulsa where I had a panic attack so extreme that I broke out in hives. The hives basically lasted through the rest of the holiday season and they were not fun. That panic attack was one of the lingering ones where I still have vivid memories due to how awful it was.

Since then, I've learned to try and shore myself up for such ordeals. For one thing, my doctor gave me a med to take in case of panic. It's pretty extreme, so I avoid it at all costs. It basically puts me into Drowsy Mode for hours. I keep one of the pills with me when I to the Tulsa doctor, just as an insurance measure.

What I try to rely on above that is using techniques to quiet my mind and emotions. I keep some soft material with me to rub against my fingers. It allows me to focus on the comforting sensation of the material, which helps to reduce my nervousness.

A new technique I learned from the show Bull was to count numbers out of order. The mind doesn't like to do this, so it will slow down to try and sort out what is happening. I'll also recite the alphabet backward. I know some people are really good at this, but I always have to think about it. Again, it pulls my thoughts away from the anxiety into a more ordered and rational place.

It's difficult for people to change habits or behaviors, but I think brain chemistry is very helpful in cases where this does succeed. I think it's one of the reasons why it's always easier for me to exercise if I'm annoyed with something. Hah!

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