Saturday, July 16, 2011

In Which She is Grateful

Today was nice. My roommate and I basically goofed off and laughed all day. We started a conversation in the morning that basically wound its way through the whole day.  I like it when that happens. The cats weren't assholes and while it was hot, we managed to get everything turned on before we got too hot. During the evening, we basically made fun of TV shows and   continued our discussion.

Why am I telling you this?  Because I have more days like this than not.  Quite often, there are lots of very good things going on for me and I should take time to make mention of them.  This isn't to say everything is perfect or that I don't have Days of Shitastica. If you read the blog, you know I do.  However, even during the bad days, even during the worst days, there are still moments of really good.

This is going to be a short post, because I'm tired and it's muggy and I really want to just sleep for a while, but even given all of that, I'm still going to bed feeling good.

I hope you sleep well and have a good day tomorrow.

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