Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday List: Chaos Magic

My fingers are swollen today. I always hate it when they're swollen. The pain sucks, but I can handle that.  It's just that when my fingers aren't swollen, they look like my mom's fingers.  When I can see her fingers in mine, I miss her a little less.

This week has been rather soul draining for me. Does anyone else ever get tired of everything being so predictable? Don't people, as they say the same damned things over and over again, complain about the same things, do the same things, think the same narrow little thoughts....does it never occur to them that maybe they could switch it up, open up, maybe have a little empathy, maybe consider their words or their actions before spewing them forth? Probably not. Because, sadly, the world is predictable.

Then today, when my soul felt like it had been sucked almost dry, something happened. Someone, randomly, told me something that was completely out of the blue, unpredictable, and, well, just plain great.  And with this one act, this one small alteration in my knowledge of the truth of the world, my soul was full again and I could move forward.

Of course, this is the basic principle, as I understand it, of chaos magic. The idea is that most things follow pattern. Most belief systems, most philosophies, most paradigms, have a set and orderly pattern to them. Things function in them, yes, but usually in the way that you will get predictable results. 1+1=2.

Chaos magic, however, functions on the idea that belief is a tool, not a set foundation, and that paradigm shifting can cause the most potent results.

So, tonight's list is suggestions for shifting things up just enough not to be predictable.....just to see how things change for you.

1. If your usual response to something displeasing you is to bitch, don't bitch. This is especially true if it's something that happens often and you always bitch about it.

Instead, direct your thoughts elsewhere.  When MOMENT OF POTENTIAL BITCHERY happens, keep your mouth closed and think of your favorite childhood story.  Or your favorite ice cream. Or something. Anything positive to keep you from complaining.

Why? Because complaining is like cat puke. It's something we feel we need to get out of our systems and when we do, like the cats, we rarely think anything about it. However, the people around us are suddenly left with this cat puke and have to clean it up. To us, it may be forgotten, but it's still soured the day for someone else.

A personal example of this is my bitching about the heat. I do it all the time. I do it on the blog, I do it at home, I do it to the cats.  The thing is, the bitching is useless. I can't move out of the area, I can't stop it from being stupid hot, and can't take off any more clothing than I already have.

Instead, I'm promising myself when I start to bitch about the heat, I will spray bottle my wrists with water and think about cool summer nights when I was a kid.

2. Ask someone about their believes or customs.  Now, I don't mean let them speak for three seconds before you start arguing with them, I mean ask. And really listen to what they say. Consider what they say and why they believe this way.

If you ask them about a custom or ritual, ask them to describe how this makes them feel, what comfort it brings, what hope.

And don't be defensive about it. Don't think about it in terms of how it makes you feel, just in terms of what it makes them feel. The idea here is to understand someone else more than you do already.

3.  Tell someone something true and positive you feel about them.  And I don't mean someone you say these things to all the time, I mean someone you rarely speak to, but notice a lot.

For instance, there is a person I know who does not view themselves as attractive.  And, by society's standards, this is true. However, they have the most beautiful head of hair I've ever seen.  It's just stunning and looks so soft and almost angelic. Occasionally, I tell them how pretty their hair is.  Because they needs to hear it.

4.  If you find yourself about to cause harm, stop.  Do you insult someone on a regular basis? Do you hit? Do you scream? Do you belittle people? Try not doing it. And yes, I'm serious about this. As simplistic as that seems, just....honestly try not doing it. Stop yourself. Show the discipline you claim others lack. Don't cause harm.  Trust me, you'll be shocked at the results.

5. Change your routine. Hah! Says the woman who does the same damned blog theme every Friday!

No, seriously, this one really works.

My roommate and I go shopping twice a week.  The store we always go to . . .  well, it's a big box store and we hate it.  The vibe is always bad, it's always crowded, loud, and full of zombies and their screaming zombie babies.  Last night, we decided that we would go to another store for groceries instead.

Later in the day, I told him that I felt like we hadn't done anything that morning.  The stress level was so slight compared to the big box that it was like we just sat in the house and let the cats cool us with fans.

Anyway, try one of all of these things and you might find some interesting changes in your life. At the very least, things will be less predictable and that is always good.

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