Tuesday, July 12, 2011

That Which is Both Deathly AND Hallow

The days seem to be dragging.  It's only Tuesday and it feels like it should be the weekend again.  I hate this.  Time is supposed to speed up as you get older. Stop dragging, dammit!

I know that seems a little death wishy, but it really isn't . . . well, not much, anyway. I just really believe in the ending of things. It's not a bad thing, it IS a blessing. Life ends, seasons end, relationships end, phases end. As much as the beginning of things can be wonderful and magical, the ending of things can be powerful, amazing, and best of all, a vast relief.

I know I harp on this topic a lot, but I think it's important. Everyday, I find myself facing situations that annoy the piss out of me, mostly because they have gone on far longer than they should.  TV shows that are holding on for dear life and are now devoid of plot or development.  Relationships where you can predict every annoying thing the other person will say, each instance that will set them off, every repeated story, every complaint. Patterns and cycles that go on endlessly, predictably, and with the same stagnation as before and before and before.

However, despite all of this, one thing is finally coming to an end. The last Harry Potter movie will be out Friday, second part of the adaptation of the last book, which they felt they needed to drag out into a second movie.  Once it is over, the era is over.  People can move on with their lives.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Harry Potter for a long time.  Then . . . I read the books to see what happened . . . . then I read them because I wanted to finish the damned series.  Rowling could have tightened up her ending and plotted it better. She also could have kept a better rapport with her fanbase.  I wanted the last book to be epic and amazing and found that a lot of it was just the three leads fighting with each other . . .

But not it will be over.  For better or worse, the Potter Era is finished.  People will still read the books and read them to their children, but it will be with a sense of the past, not the current madness it's been for so long. Of course, the best parts won't leave us, even the parts that are just made up shit in our heads.

For instance, in my mind, Lucius Malfoy has a poodle he talks to all the time. The poodle is actually smarter than him and kept trying to get him to NOT follow Voldemort.

Yes, I think weird things.  Still, that would be awesome. And whenever I see Lucius in the movies now, I see the poodle following him around, bitching at him about how he should stop this nonsense.

Anyway, I shall leave you with Hedwig.


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