Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Beat It with a Bat!

Dammit!  Facebook changed stuff again! I hate that. People come to Facebook because they like it. Don't change it and make it confusing.  Don't feel like you have to compete with Google+. Believe me, you don't.

I realize there is this need to keep your tech and development people doing something, but how about just have them fix problems, not have them make things "more usable" when really they just make it worse. Idiots. Your changes are exactly what is going to make people leave you.

To me, this always comes off as insecurity on FB's part. Oh, everyone likes us, let's make sure we keep "getting better."  BAHHHH!!

Maybe it's just that I don't like change.  No wait, it's not that. It's that FB is changing things constantly and never for the better.

Okay, one time for the better. At one point, they tweeked their Games page to where it was really really useful . . . then they took it away from me.

Oh well, here's hoping someone makes a Chrome app that will fix FB back again.

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