Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bit Points with Happy Conclusions

I honestly had stuff to write about tonight, but I got distracted and forgot what it was. That seems to be happening a lot, but I'll blame old age and the fact that everything seems to be going out of its way to cause me agita.

Damned Facebook and its stupid update. I'm sure the new features shoot rainbows out of its ass, but I don't care. Then again, I'm someone who is still purposefully using AIM 3.5 or something. I really dislike it when things feel the need to add more and more bells and whistles.

I'm reading the Hellraiser comics and I'm finding I don't like them.  There is this kind of self-conscious affected thing that horror comics can do sometimes that should work, but doesn't. It's the earlier issues though. I don't know. Maybe I'll like it as I get deeper in.

However, on reflection, it's either amusing or disturbing that I can be so jaded and bored with comics about visceral level torture. Hmph. Actually, the problem is that it's not visceral enough. There is a level of psychological realism that is missing for me.

That is something I am enjoying about GRRM's work. As much as he can go over the top in the other way with things, when his writing is at its best, he can truly find the realistic aspects of his character's psyche. We've witnessed several characters have moments where their paradigms shattered and felt the horror of that along with them. It's always interesting to watch how they pick up the pieces of their minds and push on through the moments. After a while, they get used to the new and   trudge on with their lives.

Along with horrific fantasy novels and titillating torture comics, I'm also reading a quasi-religious quasi-self-help book. Hah!  The self help book is part of the current treatment plan in therapy.  I hate it so much.  The circle thinking in it is so bad. "You should forgive people because God tells you to forgive people and therefore you should forgive them and because he said so." "Your past was bad so don't think about it because you shouldn't think about bad things." Ugggh!  Talk about beat it with a bat!

Look, I know it's important to let go of the past badness.  It is. I also know that harboring resentment and bitterness inside you is detrimental for you and boring for everyone else. However, there are far more intelligent ways to express these thoughts. You know, ways that don't involve what boils down to "because I said so."

However . . .

I'm reading again. And not just a little bit reading again. Reading lots. Not reading as much as I used to yet, but reading more and more than I have in a long while. The deep depression and the meds used to treat it have almost destroyed my attention span. It's so good to see it returning.

Actually, that is something to fucking celebrate!  *muppet flail* YAY!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm done.

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