Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday List: Things that Will Annoy Me this Weekend

This weekend will make the ten year date since the 9/11 attacks. There are many people who will take this weekend to seriously and reverently remember the events of that day and reflect on how it makes them feel. Some of them may even get together and do this. And I have no problem with that. It's probably needed. It may lead to some serious closure or healing.

However, there are also a lot of other people who will use the 9/11 ten year memorial for their own selfish ends.  These people are annoying and should be pied for about a week. Constantly. From that pie-anator Bozo the clown used to keep.

Just in case you lack self-awareness and aren't sure which of these two groups you fall into, I thought I'd make a nice Friday List to help you out.

You are being an asshole about 9/11 if you:

1. Are using the attacks to promote your religious organization, beliefs, or actions. I'm not going to pick on one form or religion or another here. Any of you folks who find yourself trying to use these horrific events to promote your zealotry should get your toes ran over by monster trucks. Just stop it.

2. Are using the attacks to promote your political agenda.  I realize in our country it's almost impossible to stop this. In fact, I'm sure a lot of people would argue that me even saying this is promoting a political agenda (one they don't agree with).  I get that people will link this event with politics, however, if you find yourself hearing anyone run for office and they start babbling about these attacks as . . . well, however they decide to exploit them, run from this person.  If you are this person, stop that!

3. Are using these attacks as a reason to be violent. Do I even have to explain this one? Just don't.

4. Are using the attacks as a reason to spam Facebook. If you're on Facebook, you know what I'm talking about. Flags, comments about who should be at the Memorial, copy and pasted block spam about the event.  Look, I don't mind if you post your own feelings and ideas....but just copying and pasting someone else's? Lame.

5. And finally, you are being a bastard about these attacks and should be pied in the face if you are using the attacks as a way to make money.  If you're selling your homemade 9/11 pillows or making 9/11 cakes or making cheaply produced program after program after program about it . . . yeah, you are annoying.  Stop it.

You know, maybe we'll luck out and none of these things will happen.  Maybe everyone will just pause, remember what happened, and try to make some peace with it.  That would be nice. It would be very nice.

I also don't want to hear that Toby Keith song.

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