Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Political Animals

So the first Romney/Obama debate was tonight and I . . . really enjoyed the episodes of South Park that came on at the same time.  I do not think you could have paid me to watch the debate, nor could you have paid me to read everyone's political commentary that accompanied it on Facebook. Political season is bad enough on its own, when you add Facebook to it, it's almost unbearable.

And no, I don't feel like a Bad American for not watching the debates. I dislike both of the candidates about equally right now.  I will vote on whichever one seems the least crazy by the time the election rolls around. If they both piss me off, I will vote for whichever one seems to want it the least. That way if they win, I'm punishing them.

The thing is, I'm not really wishywashy about issues. I have very strong opinions and beliefs about issues. I know what I would love in someone running for office. There are certain statements I would love to hear from them.

  • I want to find the points where all Americans can come to an agreement and focus on those.
  • As your President, I want to focus on us regaining our momentum is as a strong nation, a secure nation, and an educated nation.
  • Yes, I have personal beliefs that guild my life, but our constitution states that no one religion should be held above the others and I respect the constitution. 
  • I will not take away your rights.
  • I will not view any American as less than any other American, no matter who they love.
  • I'm not going to use my position as President to just play favorites with rich people as a way to get a better paying job once this is over.
  • I know I am here to serve the country and that is what I will do.
  • I won't embarrass us when I go to other places.
  • I won't exclude you, even if you are poor or disabled or old. 
And yet, somehow I'm not sure any of this is said by any of them. Some of them will say they want to secure your rights, but only the rights THEY think you should have. Some of them say they're not using the position to set themselves up for a better job later on, but it just doesn't ring true. Many of them will flat out state they won't respect the separation of church and state .  .  . and that truly, deeply bothers me.

So come November, I, like so many other Americans, will walk into the voting place and vote for the lesser of two bad options. I will sigh and hope for the best, expect nothing to change for the better, and hope nothing screws up and hurts me in the process.

And . . . that sucks. It really sucks that I have to feel that way about it. Hopefully, over time, we can find better people to run this place. Hopefully. 

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