Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Recap

The weather was good today, bordering on being a little too hot. For the sake of the Trick or Treaters though, I was happy it wasn't raining. No one wants a rainy Halloween. I scrolled through people's costume pics on Facebook and listened to some song posts. One of the things I like the best about FB is how it creates this kind of communally shared experience on all holiday events.  Having my own fun on a holiday is one thing, being part of the fun hundreds of others are having . . . well, it very much magnifies the experience.

My roommate and I decided we didn't really have enough candy to properly celebrate, so after we both cleaned up, we quested for candy at the store. Over all, the trip was uneventful, for the most part. The eventful part had to do with roadkill.

Given the area we live in, it's not uncommon to see roadkill. A dead possum, a dead armadillo, or even a dead dog is, while sad, also not such a shock anymore. Today though, we saw a dead cow in the ditch. A whole, fully grown, dead and bloated cow. It's kind of baffling as to what happened. The cow didn't look like it had been hit by a car. We didn't see any injuries at all. Of course, this was just a passing glance as we drove by.

Once we were home, we went through the usual Wednesday evening chores. He messed around on the computer while I took an hour's worth of nap. By the time dinner was ready, it seemed pretty clear our area wasn't going to get much Trick or Treat action, which was honestly for the best.

We watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, the end of Survivor, Supernatural, and then the finale of Face Off. We also ate candy. A low key evening, but I find as I grow older, I like my holidays to be low key. I don't want to plan a lot or do a lot, because it somehow just feels forced and fake. I'm not saying it's that way for everyone, but it would be for me. The casual moments seem to mean more. I like it that way.

The end of Halloween also means the end of October. It's been a good month and I feel like I can handle the last two months of the year without going crazier. Goodbye, October. As always, you were good to me. xoxo

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