Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Night Eve

Tomorrow the election will be over. Well, hopefully tomorrow the election will be over. We could always end up in some mess like we did during the Bush/Gore election where things go on and on for weeks. That sucked. Let's not let that happen again. This really does need to be over.

I think right now, it's too close to call as far as who will win. Honestly, it could go either way. There have been elections where it was very clear one side or the other won, but I'm just not feeling that with this election. In many ways, I'm not sure either of the candidates really want to win. Seriously, who would? This country is a mess and fixing it will be a total headache.  You don't really get paid that much being president.

However, I think some things are fairly clear. For instance, if Romney wins, it's because the Obama camp really didn't put up a big fight. Compared to Obama's first campaign, this one has been lackluster and quiet. The inspirational speeches seem to be missing, the fervor is gone. Everyone seems to be tired and despondent, and, quite frankly, coasting. If Obama loses, it's going to be because he never really inspired people the way he did four years ago.

On the other hand, if Romney loses, I think it is going to be completely and totally because his supporters annoyed so many independent voters that they all decided to vote for Obama out of spite. Where the president's campaign feels lukewarm, Romney's campaign seems to be some kind of crazyfire. These people have been swarming Facebook with pro-life crap and 'free the middle class' crap and protect the religious crap. Like, constantly, every day, they have been bothering others with their political blablah.

As I have written before, this was a mistake. Constantly annoying people with your political beliefs is not only bad manners, but it's bad politics. People become resentful. They start seeking revenge. The best way to get said revenge is just to make sure you are disappointed on election day. It's not that they even care about the other candidate. They just want you to be unhappy.

So yeah, I think that is what it will come down to on our election day. . . . did Obama's lack of giving a shit ruin his campaign more than Romney's crazytown supporters ruined his? One way or the other, half the country is going to be pissed off tomorrow night and the other half will be smug.

And two months after the new president takes office, this will switch up because said president won't really do anything and stuff will continue to suck around here. At least we won't have to deal with elections for a while.

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