Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Sure the House Will Sink at Any Moment

I have turned into an Edgar Allen Poe character. Okay, I've turned into more than what I already was of one. I already wore mournful colors all the time, possess an unnatural fear of minor shit, and write down my thoughts on a constant basis.  However, now I'm developing a sensitivity to sound.

This is actually a lot more horrible than I thought it would be. I'm having to keep the volume of things down to almost nothing. Anything that vibrates or buzzes is just setting my teeth on edge. Random sounds from the cats or outside sound so much louder than usual. In real life, people's voices aren't bothering me, but they do on TV.

I know this is just a sinus thing. Once my sinuses decide to stop being in whatever tizzy they're in, I'm sure I'll be fine. In the meantime, I'm having to try to do my best  to have moments where I can shut out as much sound as possible, even if this means just laying in my room with a pillow over my face.

Speaking of which, I think I need to go do that for a while. It's been a long, strange day and I just need some sleep . .  . and some silence.

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