Friday, November 16, 2012

Preparing for the End

Yes, this is another post about Glitch. Yes, I know this is the third one. I don't care. I've not been this emotional about anything in a long while. I keep trying to be calm and rational about it, but I can't. The fact that this game is closing just destroys my heart. In a lot of ways, it really is like the end of the world. Yes, I know Hostess is closing as well, but my guess is that Hostess will get picked up by some other company that wants to make snackcakes. It looks like no one is going to pick up Glitch.

I keep thinking they will though. Every time I go back to the site, I keep wanting to see this message that there is good news and someone bought it and everything is going to be okay. So far it hasn't happened. It's just so sad.

I'll probably get past this in a day or two. Well, not past it, but at least maybe I'll be able to focus on other things. It's kind of all I'm thinking about right now. I'm actually mourning this game. Not just the game, actually, I'm also mourning the loss  of the interaction, the players, the cute people people, and even the idea of how this game worked. It really encouraged people to explore and use their creativity. So few games really do that anymore.

Everything about the world is strange now. Because the game is shutting down, a lot of the rules are being suspended. People have less limits on their abilities and everyone was given a lot of credits to go buy stuff. I bought every outfit I ever coveted . . . and then felt so hallow about it because I remembered how I was able to do this . . .

For a while, I thought about just stopping my gameplay. Glitch will still be functioning until Dec. 9th, but there really is no reason to continue to play. The thing is, there never was any reason to play in the first place . . . other than the fact that I loved the game. With that in mind, I will keep playing until then and my little Glitch will just fight her fight to help save the world, even though, in the end, I know it will all come crashing down on her.

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