Saturday, January 19, 2013

Resisting Change, Yet Not Resisting It

Ahh, my net connection sucked so badly today. I've not been able to get into Facebook in hours and probably all of my plants have died . . . the virtual kind. It annoys me when this happens because I was in the middle of doing things/talking to people and then BLIP! It's all gone. Stupid internet.

I'm making it a point to start listening to new music. A friend asked me about four bands and I hadn't heard of any of them. I have no radio stations in my area that play alt music, but then again, there is internet radio so I have no excuse. I guess really I just haven't wanted to explore anything new. This both shocks and scares me, as I always liked to stay current with what was going on. But either things have started to suck or my tastes are finally getting old. Possibly both.

The internet made this difficult as well because every time I tried to watch a video on Youtube, it would stall and stall and stall. I finally just had to give up.  I've found that when I'm in a frustrated mood, I'm far less likely to respond well to new music. I just get bitter about it and proclaim it to be tripe. I know I do this and it wasn't really fair to the music or to me to allow the internet's craptastica to ruin my   exploration.

HOWEVER, the net did start working really well about the time I found out this video existed. I've been developing this slight obsession with 3D printers and wanted to see if they can make floor tiles. Imagine my delight when Google gives me a link to how a large 3D printer can build a whole house. IN 20 HOURS!!!

This isn't totally a realized thing yet. It's in the works right now, but I'm so excited about it. I've always had a huge interested in architecture and this potential of this is so amazing. An affordable, safe, and fully functioning house in less than a day.  If this tech becomes a reality, it could change so much about people's lives. I really, really hope this happens.

So yes, in my usual contradictory way, I am resisting change . . . and completely embracing it. I'm annoyed with aspects of it, but totally in love with other parts. I want to design and build my own 20 hour house.

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