Saturday, January 5, 2013

Spending Money For a Better You . . .

If anyone likes the start of the new year, it is those who make money off of commercials. January television is always bombarded with ads created to inspire you to alter your life by buying crap. If there is one thing I've learned, it's that spending money is not the path to a better life. Can it add to it? Yeah, but only as a tool, not as the solution.

The ones that creep me out the most are the eHarmony ones. That old man just gives me the heebees. I have no idea why. Maybe it's that strange plastic smile on his face. Maybe it's the tone in his voice. Maybe it's that he has gotten rich by conning desperate single people out of their money. Maybe it's because our society  tries to tell people that being alone is horrible and you should do anything you can to avoid that fate. Whatever it is, I still snarl just a little when I see his commercials.

However, they are not the ones that annoy me the most. The ones that piss me off to the core of my being are the weight loss ones.


Join our gym. Buy our meal bars. Buy our giant piece of work out equipment. Buy our DVDs. Spend a lot of money, and you will no longer have your fat ass. Your life will be perfect and you will look like this chick on the commercial who is happy and skinny.

Sigh. No, this is not how you lose weight.

As I've talked about before, Fat Begone! is a huge business. People make millions off of trying to get other people to lose weight. The crazy thing is, you don't have to  spend money to get to a healthy BMI. You just need focus, patience,  a positive attitude, and some knowledge.

As for knowledge, the internet is very helpful. There is a lot of weight loss and meal plan information that you can read FOR FREE. There are also a lot of Youtube videos that will show you how to work out and how to use things around your house to help you. There is also walking, which doesn't cost anything.

You can't purchase patience, focus, or a positive outlook. These are things that you have to cultivate on a daily basis. They are the aspects of weight loss that are, in my opinion, the most important parts. The mental and emotional perseverance that will get you from your current weight to your goal weight is the most vital part the weight loss process. It is your personal task.

You really can't buy stuff to make it happen.

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