Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Curse of a Liquid Nature

Yesterday was difficult. We found out that the already high price on our van was going to be even higher, due to it needing another part. We'd also realized that Old Man Cat had decided that under my bed was a good litter box for him. W found solutions for this stuff, as much as we could, but we both knew that things were going to be even more difficult for a while. The fix on the van basically tapped out the very last bit of emergency money we had. Any other repairs are out of the question. I also won't be getting new glasses for a while. Make due or do without. That kind of thing.

If you're wondering why I didn't blog yesterday, all of that stuff is why. At the time, I just couldn't wrap my brain around all of it. I wasn't having a panic attack, but there is a low and constant level of anxiety going on. It's kind of like having a sea monster just swimming around right beneath you. You know it's there and you know that at any moment, it could grab your foot and pull you under the waves.

And I use 'sea monster' deliberately here. Most of my problems have to do with liquids. The car issues have usually been related to water stuff. There have been storms. Our plumbing is screwing up for some reason. Liquid just isn't being my friend. I'm starting to wonder if someone cursed me with some liquid curse or something. Not sure why they would. I know I can be offensive, but I'm usually too lazy to warrant too much bother.

Speaking of liquids, a storm has started. I should probably cut this short before I lose power in the house. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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