Thursday, April 18, 2013


There has been a lot of death this week. I know there is always a lot of death, but in this case, it's been from explosions and gunmen and things that could have been avoided if people would just stop being assholes. It's unlikely that will ever happen though. In other news, Congress isn't interested in background checks for people buying guns at gun shows but is very interested in making sure they can look at your browsing history whenever they feel like it.

All of this leaves me very heartsick. It makes me worried for the future. It makes me horrified at what is to follow. It makes me happy that my life is half over and that I don't have to face sixty plus years of living in this downward spiral. Sometimes I feel like the America I knew and believed in is completely gone. I wonder if people understand that freedom and privacy are important. I wonder if people will be able to find jobs to support them, if we can find independence.

Maybe I'll feel differently in a few days, but right now, I feel like we're devolving as a society. I feel like everything is breaking apart and falling to pieces. Maybe soon we'll see some pathways out of this, but right now, they aren't there. It makes me want to just check out of reading the news or knowing what is happening in the world outside of my small little safe zone of home. I know that isn't very practical or sane, but at least it's safe.

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