Monday, April 29, 2013

GoT Geekery: Some Quiz I found

I really didn't plan on doing more GoT stuff, but I was somewhat illish today and didn't really plan out anything else. But I promise the blog isn't turning into just GoT fandom. You know I go through these phases. Oh, and warning on spoilers.

1 ~ Favourite character from book/show. My favorite character in the books is Bran. I know a lot of people find his parts boring, but I will always have a special place in my heart for him because of his love for stories. Some of my favorite moments in the books are things that happen to and around Bran.

In the show, my favorite character is Cersei. This was surprising but Lena Headey does such an amazing job of portraying her that I just can't help myself.

02 ~ Favourite quote relating to GoT. As I said, Bran always has some of the most amazing stories and myths told in his chapters. My favorite quote, although there are many that I love, comes from the first book, when Bran is being kind of snippish to Old Nan.

“Oh, my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly, "what do you know of fear?
Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet
deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long
night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children
are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and
hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods”

03 ~ Where would you want to live in the GoT world? I would want to live in the Reach. High Garden has so far stayed out of the war and there is always a bounty of food there.

04 ~ Favourite house? (ie. Stark, Lannister). My favorite house is the Targaryen because it has everything that appeals to me in my fantasy novels. It is a house drive by power and prophecy. There are beautiful, insane people who populate the very unbranched family tree and, to top it off, they've been kicked out of power and have to find a way back to it.

05 ~ Who do you ship? Of all the characters in the books, I think Jaime and Brienne have the most beautiful love story. Actually, a lot of people deny that it even is a love story. They can't believe someone as handsome as Jaime Lannister could love Brienne, but I don't think they see how complex and damaged Jaime really is. Brienne brings out the best in Jaime and he respects the best that is in her already. If any two people deserve a happy ending, it's these two.

06 ~ Favourite moment in book/movie. My favorite part in the books happens in the third novel when Bran, Hodor, and the Reeds stay at the Nightfort. Bran's retelling of Old Nan's stories concerning all the horrors of the Nightfort actually scared the hell out of me. Martin set the scene up so well because one is good and properly scared when Sam and Gilly show up seemingly from no where. Bran learns about some of the magic of the weirwoods here and they meet Coldhands. It's a very pivotal point in the book.

In the show, my favorite scene so far has been Dany tricking the slavemasters of Astapor. The scene was very well done and when she begins to kill everyone, I actually felt chills.

07 ~ Least favourite character. My least favorite is Jorah Mormont. It annoys me that people will defend him and cycle of poor choices and creepiness. The fact that people want him to end up with Dany just gives me the heebies.

08 ~ Three words that describe GoT. Current Favorite Obsession

09 ~ If there was a crossover … who would you ship? I would want Dany to conquer all worlds with Alexander the Great.

10 ~ Who do you think Jon Snow’s parents are? Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen

11 ~ Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime: Marry, fuck, throw off a cliff - what would you do? I would fuck Cersei because she likes to be the man. I would marry Jaime because he's the most loyal. I'd toss Tyrion off the cliff because he has stunning plot armor and I know he would survive.

12 ~ Who would you like to see battle it out? I want to see the battle between Littlefinger and who ever is going to finally kill Littlefinger because that is way overdue.

13 ~ What character’s death would you be okay with? I will be okay if Jaime dies, so long as he redeems himself and Brienne is preggers with his baby.

14 ~ What character's death would crush you? Even though Cersei has a prophecy about her kids all dying before she does, I really don't want her other kids to die. I hated Joff, but I adore the other two. They should get to live.

15 ~ Give some advice to one of the characters.  Dany, you and Tyrion spent the last book fucking things up in order to learn from your mistakes. Learn from them and trust each other when you meet up.

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