Thursday, April 25, 2013

You Made Me Promises Promises

On Hannibal, a show I've decided I really won't be watching anymore, one of the characters said something about how dogs can keep promises when humans really can't. The statement was true enough. Humans aren't good at the promise thing. I know I'm not. I suck at them so badly that I honestly try my best NOT to make them to other people. It just usually doesn't work out. If you ask me to make you a promise, if I'm being responsible, I'm probably going to tell you no. It's just not a skill in my wheelhouse. I'm not sure it's in many people's.

There is, however, one person that I do try to make promises to and try my best to keep. Me. To me, this is the safest bet. After all, if I break the promise, no one gets hurt BUT me. When I keep them, life is awesome.

I kept all the promises I made to myself today. I did my 30 minutes of physical activity. I drank my vinegar. I didn't worry about crap I couldn't control. For the most part, I just let things go as they would, but made sure to do the little things I knew I needed to do. I managed to do them, so yay me.

Of course, that was only for today. I had other plans I wanted to happen this week that just did not happen. There are things that need to get finished and other things that need to get started. However, I'm not going to worry about that right now. It's the end of the day and I did what I could. And I'm not watching Hannibal again. That show had so much promise, but it seriously lacks in the logic department.

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