Friday, April 12, 2013

Logical Questions and People Parodying Themselves

My friends and I sometimes play this game where we'll jokingly come up with slogans that parody the stupidest things politicians could possibly say. "Vote for me because Rights are for Sissies." "Vote for me because you don't really need no independent thoughts." When I was younger, this game was fun because while I fundamentally disagreed with a lot of these people, in my heart of hearts, I didn't really believe they thought the stuff we would have them say.

Ohh, but clearly I was wrong. It seems that Texas Congressman Steve Stockman truly IS the real deal. This article talks about his new bumper sticker which reads: "If babies had guns they wouldn't be aborted." I had to force myself to write that the way it appears, because the slogan has no comma after guns.  It actually defies logic in so many ways and brings up some interesting questions.

  • Are the babies in possession of the guns or are they 'having them' as in giving birth to them?
  • Are the guns not being aborted or the babies?
  • Does the baby just develop with the gun in his world, like some kind of twin? Or does Chuck Norris come along an father the gun after the baby has been fathered?
  • How exactly would the fetus with the gun defend itself? It still can't really hear what's going on outside, so it's not like it would KNOW if it was being aborted? Does it have psychic abilities too? 
  • If you were pregnant and going through airport security, would you still be allowed on the plane because the gun belonged to your baby and not to you?
  • Does this count as conceal and carry?
Now, I am sure Mr. Stockman has the answers to all of these questions and I'm sure the answers make absolutely no sense. He will say that his main point was something to do with Jesus, America, guns, and freedom and believe that to be enough to deflect from all the stupidity.

Even though it doesn't.

How do people like this get elected? Even if you don't want to elect people who are pro-choice and pro-gun regulation, why can't you find someone SMART to represent you? I can't believe that everyone out there who is against abortion and likes guns also lacks the common sense and tact to realize that "If babies had guns they wouldn't be aborted" as something associated with you is a very bad idea because it makes no damned sense.

I just honestly can not believe that. I still have SOME faith in humanity left.

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