Sunday, February 2, 2014

Groundhog Day

It seems that the groundhog went outside, laughed at everyone really hard, hacked up something, spit it out, and walked back inside. As he was doing this, he waved his hands and it started to snow again. We have winter for another six weeks.  I don't think anyone is surprised by this. I certainly wasn't. In fact, we're on our third batch of snow for the winter. That's pretty rare for us. I'm fine with the cold, so long as I don't have to go out in it. Unfortunately, that tends to happen more often than I would like. In fact, I may have to go out in the snow twice tomorrow, which is annoying, but unavoidable. I certainly have to go out twice on Tuesday. It's going to be a long week.

I finished the ugly wool hat. I'm not happy with it but my roommate likes it a lot. One of the nice things about being around a blunt and honest person is that you can trust them when they say they like something. They're not just saying it to please you or get you to shut up. Anyway, the ugly wool hat will get constructed into an ugly wool beard/hat tomorrow, assuming I have enough light.

I'm still feeling the effects of the dysfunctional uterine bleeding. My body has shifted shape and my roommate tells me my gait is different. Were I not still weak as a new kitten, I'd probably be enjoying both of these facts a lot. Unfortunately, I AM still as weak as a kitten.  It's getting better, but it is a slow damned process. I'm trying to push myself, but that isn't easy. I'm still using a lot of oxygen to get through the day and tasks are rough. Even crocheting would sometimes tire me while I was making ugly wool hat.

To amuse myself, I watched NYC Prep on Netflix and indulged in all of its awfulness. Then I read the archived Gawker summaries of it, which were so bitchfully excellent. It really helped me to get through the craziness that has been the last month.

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