Sunday, February 16, 2014

Seasonal Stress

About a year ago, I was in the process of settling the issue with the 1099C tax thing I'd been sent. It turned out okay and I did everything I could to make sure it didn't mess with me, but it was still a very stressful time in my life. Even now when I think about it, it still freaks me out a little. It seems like this early part of the year is always pretty rough on me. The tax thing won't happen again, but I am having to wait and see how much of an ER bill I'll end up with. They'll have to accept small payments though. Nothing I can do about that.

You know, as crappy as December can be and AS bad as my January and Februaries have been, maybe there is a reason why, in my case, seasonal stress disorder happens. The last several years have been the cause of a lot of really bad stuff for me. Car issues, health issues, money issues. This is also usually the time that we have to deal with government renewal stuff and that is always stressful. By the time we get to the Spring issues of fleas, storms, and  grass mowing, I'm pretty spent by winter.

I would really like for things to settle down. I'd like to be healthy for a while and for my roommate to get back to being healthy. I'd like to not deal with sick cats or screwed up cars or screwed up house issues. I'd like to just be calm and let things flow a long so I could work on projects and maybe get some writing done. I've been trying to work on some fiction for a while now and just end up staring at the screen. It really sucks.

Over all though, it wasn't a bad weekend. We had to deal with the sink thing, but we also got to have one of our favorite holiday rituals. We got discounted candy from the store and watched a Charlie Brown holiday special. Those are two of my favorite things to do on any holiday and my roommate makes it very special because he loves classic Charlie Brown stuff as much as I do. I hope this week isn't too stressful. I think we need some downtime, some recovery time. Here is a wish that we get that.

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