Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wrists Wiggles

Today I was supposed to go to therapy, but that didn't happen. It's still snowy, wet, and nasty outside. Plus, the cold I have kept me up all night with coughing and sick-pees. I hate that I missed again, but these things happen. Today wasn't just about therapy though. My roommate had a dentist appointment and we needed to pay some bills. As much as I wanted to just lounge around in yesterday's clothes and do nothing, that wasn't going to happen.

Around noon, I managed to get a shower. It was not easy. I know I have talked a lot about my recent fatigue, but it is such a huge obstacle to my life now. I don't sit and blow dry my hair these days. I lay down and move the dryer around my head as needed. And even with that, I take some breaks.

This is the major problem with the showering while fatigued. Showering isn't just one task. It is a series of a lot of tasks, all of which have to happen in order for the shower to be successful. If you feel great, none of these things are a big deal. When you feel like hell, ALL of them become a big deal. When you are exhausted, you find yourself doing things like resting during the hair drying process and hoping you have enough strength left to put on clothes.

To combat the physical weakness, I decided to start trying to add some minimal exercise to my morning. At this moment, I am in such a sad state that all I could manage to do was move my wrists 40 times and my ankles 25 times. Seriously, that was all I could do before feeling exhausted. Maybe I can do more tomorrow.

Sunday night's bleeding hasn't repeated itself again (yet), but with all the jolting my body is doing from the cough, I won't be surprised if more breakthrough bleeding happens. If it doesn't, I will be thrilled. My hopes aren't up about it. 

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