Sunday, July 5, 2015

Logic and Allies

After marriage became legal for everyone, those who opposed it seem to have found a new target. They're attacking people who aren't gay, but still support gay rights. We've been accused of a lot of things, mostly of only going along with the whole 'gays should be treated like humans' because it's trendy. In other words, they're trying to discredit us by making us sound shallow.

I get the motivation. It's one thing for 'those gay people' to want things. They're clearly immoral and few in number. However, when 'some straight people' start becoming their allies, suddenly those against it see it as having more impact. Now they seem to want to chip away at the supporters as best they can.

A few days ago, a gentleman posted 40 questions for Christians who support gay rights. Some of the questions were deeply insulting. For instance, some implied that if you supported gay rights, you should support incest and pedophilia too. I found the tone of the questions to be really snide and, as a whole, they gave off that same feeling of 'you're just trying to be trendy."

Thankfully, a person with a great deal of Biblical knowledge and a level head answered the questions. His response is here. I'm sure he won't change the minds of anyone who thought smug things about the first 40 questions, but who knows? Maybe he'll open up someone's heart.

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