Saturday, September 26, 2015

The First Sighting of the Year

One of the things my roommate and I always like to document during the summer is the various dragonflies we see. They're one of my favorite aspects of the summer months. I also like fireflies a lot, but in recent years, we've seen less of those. In fact, this is the first year we've seen them in a long while. It was also the first year we didn't see any dragonflies. It concerned us both, though honestly, we were outside less than we were last year.

Yesterday, though, I saw my first dragonfly of the year. Not only was it neat to finally see one, it was a color I'd never seen before. I was waiting for him to leave the store and saw it fluttering near the car beside me. It was cinnamon with a metallic sheen. It honestly looked like a steampunk dragonfly. It hovered near me for a few minutes and then flew away. I couldn't help but smile because it made it feel like the season was completed for me. I'm very thankful that I saw it.

I know a lot of people who are lonely and feel like their lives are really on the fringe of society. And while I'm not the biggest nature lover out there, over the years I've learned that finding a connection with the world outside of the house can sometimes go a long way toward helping lonely and disconnected people feel like they are part of something. The dragonflies, the seasonal flowers, and the changes in the trees are part of my ongoing story.

I even enjoy the trashtalking birds ho fight over fries in the parking lot.

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