Monday, September 28, 2015

The Shawl

So this is a pic of the finished shawl. It ended up being almost three skeins of yarn because I needed to add a whole other level to it. It was supposed to end with a line of six skulls, but that didn't fit me well. I wasn't going to make something this complicated and have it not fit me. That would have been sad and annoying. So I stuck it out to make another round. By the end, I was feeling kind of frazzled. As you can see, once you get through half of one row of skulls, you have to start on the next. Doing 13 skulls at once (the row of six and row of 7) was pretty complicated.

In the end, it was really worth it on a lot of levels. For one thing, I now own a shawl made of skulls. Like with a lot of things, at my size, pretty much the only way that was going to happen was if I made it myself. The shawl is not only awesome to look at, it's also practical. You'd be amazed at how warm something with that many holes in it can be.

More importantly, I took on the most complex project I've ever done. And while it's remarkable that I actually had the confidence to think I could do it, it's even more remarkable that I stuck with it. So often, I sabotage myself by just not sticking to the task at hand. Most of the time when I screw myself over, it's because of that. This time, I never gave it. I mean, it helps that it was only less than a week's worth of work, but sometimes even those things won't get finished.

In the end, I have a great shawl and feel like maybe I have enough experience points to get to the next level of crocheter.  I probably also have enough experience points to get to the next level of crotchetier!

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