Friday, June 16, 2017

Capitalism at Its Finest

I hear people bitch all the time that America is going down as a nation because of Leftists who hate capitalism.  I don't believe that's true. Okay, it's true that some Leftists hate capitalism, but it isn't true that this is why we're going to fail as a nation. That has more to do with how our government, economy, and large corporations have screwed up capitalism for everyone else.

There are towns in Mexico that are thriving because of this. Towns on the border between the US and Mexico are establishing businesses to tend to needs of Americans at a much more reasonable cost. For instance, Los Algodones, Mexico has 600 dentists, around 150 opticians, and several medical clinics. When ICE deports English speaking Mexicans, Los Algodones recruits them so they can act as translators for the medical professionals. Every year, Americans go here to get their teeth fixed, their eyes checked, and other things that aren't possible for them to do in the US. Dental insurance is expensive and rarely covers much of anything. Dental work is expensive. A crown in the US usually costs about 600$.

In Los Algodones, a crown costs 190$. And yes, it costs money to travel to Mexico, but many people are finding ways to handle that, like going on groups. Everyone gets their work done at a far less cost. Even poor people could save up for a year or so and make this happen for themselves.

So while Congres debates about the medical situation in the US and finds ways to strip more and more people of access to care, there will be consequences but not the ones they expect. They believe that restructuring the ACA will cause people to go out and find these magical unicorn jobs that will give them good insurance and tons of money to give to the glutted American Medical monster. Instead, what will end up happening is that more and more people will go to places like Los Algodones and spend their money in another country for reasonable access to reasonable care.

I'm not sure why Congress thinks no money is better than less money, but clearly they do.

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