Friday, June 30, 2017

The Birds

My roommate has noticed we have some hybrid between traditional red cardinals and desert cardinals hanging out in the yard. This is pretty neat. I've always liked our cardinals. During the winter, when everything gets really gray, the pretty red birds stand out as a nice contrast to the naked trees. I always enjoy our birds. Well most of them.

The mockingbirds are another matter. The little one who lives on the porch either has or is trying to gain a mate. Both of them seem to be constantly pissed off. We're trying with them. Whenever we hear them, we've been trying to teach them new noises. Anything is better than the constant "SQUWACK" and "SHEEKCHT" they utter. So far, we're not successful, but maybe in time we'll get something more pleasant.

It rained a lot today. That should make the birds happy. It certainly cooled things down. June is leaving us now and overall, it wasn't a bad month. We only had to turn on the AC once and July is starting out on the cool side. Hopefully, it will stay that way.

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